Assessment of Neurobiological Markers using different methodologies for Psychiatric Disorders

Mise à jour : Il y a 5 ans
Référence : EUCTR2011-004860-31

Femme et Homme

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MAN-BIOPSY pursues the concrete research question whether novel biological and psycho-physiological clusters or categories can be defined to improve treatment and minimize side effects in psychiatry, based on a synopsis of physiological, behavioural, genetic and endocrinological parameters. One major aspect of our research approach is its focuses on the identification of dysfunctions in fundamental information processing mechanisms and neurocomputational mechanisms, and is not restricted to symptom-oriented tasks. The main objectives of MAN-BIOPSY are therefore • to identify biological and psycho-physiological parameters for major depressive disorders and anxiety disorders, and • to identify predictive markers for treatment response and type/severity of side effects for these disorders.

Critère d'inclusion

  • Major Depressive Disorder Anxiety Disorder
