The efficacy of mepolizumab treatment on rhinovirus induced asthma exacerbations

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : EUCTR2011-000586-12

Femme et Homme

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Virus-induced exacerbations represent the major clinical manifestation of asthma, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Since virus-induced asthma exacerbations are associated with reduced Th1- and enhanced Th2 cytokine production, we hypothesise that the Th2 cytokine IL-5 critically impairs the host response to viral airway infections in allergic asthma patients leading to an exaggerated inflammatory response. With this project we aim to determine the efficacy of anti-IL-5 treatment (mepolizumab) on virus-induced exacerbations in allergic asthma patients.

Critère d'inclusion

  • Asthma and more specifically virus-induced exacerbations in allergic asthma patients
