A 6-week International, Multicenter, Double-blind, Randomized, Parallel-group, Phase III Study to Evaluate the Feasibility of Switching from Immediate-release Quetiapine Fumarate (SEROQUEL) to Sustain...

Mise à jour : Il y a 5 ans
Référence : EUCTR2004-000912-13

A 6-week International, Multicenter, Double-blind, Randomized, Parallel-group, Phase III Study to Evaluate the Feasibility of Switching from Immediate-release Quetiapine Fumarate (SEROQUEL) to Sustained-release Quetiapine Fumarate (400 to 800 mg/day) in Outpatients with Schizophrenia

Femme et Homme

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The primary objectives is to demonstrate that the efficacy of the sustained release formulation (SR) of quetiapine is not inferior to the immediate release formulation (IR).

Critère d'inclusion

  • Schizophrenia