An open-label, randomized, Phase IIIb trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of standard of care +/- continuous bevacizumab treatment beyond progression of disease (PD) in patients with advanced non...

Mise à jour : Il y a 5 ans
Référence : EUCTR2010-022645-14

An open-label, randomized, Phase IIIb trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of standard of care +/- continuous bevacizumab treatment beyond progression of disease (PD) in patients with advanced non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) after first (1st)-line treatment with bevacizumab plus a platinum doublet-containing chemotherapy Otvorené, randomizované klinické skúšanie fázy IIIb zamerané na vyhodnotenie účinnosti a bezpečnosti štandardnej liečby +/- kontinuálna liečba bevacizumabom po progresii choroby u pacientov s pokročilým neskvamóznym, nemalobunkovým karcinómom pľúc (NSCLC - non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer) po liečbe bevacizumabom s dvojkombináciou chemoterapie na báze platiny v prvej línii

Femme et Homme

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To assess the efficacy of continuous bevacizumab treatment beyond PD1 as measured by overall survival (OS).

Critère d'inclusion