Immunotherapy of Cancer Using Donor Lymphocytes Labelled With In-vitro Bispecific Antibodies

Mise à jour : Il y a 5 ans
Référence : NCT00149019

Femme et Homme

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Patients with resistant metastatic solid tumors failing all conventional modalities who are eligible for immunotherapy by bispecific antibodies. First step: NST Second step: Patients with tumor cells expressing positive Her-2Neu and/or EpCAM with residual or recurrent disease following NST will be candidates for donor lymphocytes immunotherapy using bispecific antibodies. Patients with no matched donor available, expressing positive Her-2Neu and/or EpCAM tumor cells, will be eligible for donor mismatched lymphocytes using in-vitro rIL-2 activated allogeneic lymphocytes targeted to the tumor by bispecific antibodies, Her-2Neu and/or EpCAM.

Critère d'inclusion

  • Metastatic Solid Tumors
