WR 279,396 Open Label Treatment Protocol in Tunisia

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: NCT01494350

Woman and Man

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The U.S. Army has recently completed a Phase 3 clinical trial in Tunisia. This is an open-label single site trial designed to expand our safety database and capture additional efficacy (final clinical cure rate of an index lesion) of WR 279,396 Topical Cream in Tunisian subjects with non-complicated, non-severe Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL). Subjects will be patients who visit Ministry of Health sponsored clinics in Tunisia who present with at least one CL lesion that is ulcerated and amenable to topical treatment. Potential trial subjects will be consented and screened for eligibility including medical history, physical exam, lesion parasitology, and renal and liver function tests. If eligible for the study, subjects will receive WR 279,396 (15% paromomycin + 0.5% gentamicin topical cream) (target n = 110). The cream will be applied topically to all CL lesions once daily for 20 days by an investigator or study nurse. If a subject develops a new lesion during the study, the new lesion may also be treated with the topical cream.

Inclusion criteria

  • Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
