Brain Power: Resistance Training and Cognitive Function

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: NCT00426881

Woman Man

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Primary Objectives: 1. To ascertain whether a 12-month, twice-weekly or once-weekly resistance training (RT) program will significantly improve executive function in community-dwelling women aged 65 to 75 years old compared with a 12-month, twice-weekly stretch and relax (S & R) program (shame exercise). We will assess executive function by standard neuropsychological tests. Secondary Objectives: 1. To describe the neural mechanisms that underpin the observed changes in executive function associated with a 12-month, twice-weekly or once-weekly RT training (by using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)). 2. To investigate whether RT-induced changes in executive function are independently associated with changes in physiological fall risk profile. 3. To investigate the dose response of RT (resistance training) on bone health as measured by dual energy x-ray and peripheral quantitative computed tomography. 4. To conduct a one-year follow-up after the formal cessation of the resistance training programs to determine the persisting effect of resistance training on cognitive performance, cortical plasticity, physiological falls risk, and bone health.

Inclusion criteria

  • Healthy
