Objective Evaluation of Proximal Ischemia

Update Il y a 5 ans
Reference: NCT00152737

Woman and Man

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  • | Specialty :
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The whole study is divided in 4 parallel protocols. The first protocol estimates the reliability of the technique through test-retest recordings. The second protocol aims to prove that exercise Tcpo2 is efficient to estimate the benefit of proximal revascularisation on proximal and distal ischemia in patients suffering stage two lower extremity arterial disease. The third protocol aims at estimating with exercise tcpo2 the eventual apparison of proximal ischemia after aorto-bi-femoral bypasses. The last protocol is a transversal study of patients with aorto-bi-femoral bypasses aiming to analyse the presence of proximal and distal symptoms and ischemia. The hypothesis for protocol 2 is that TcpO2 at exercise is significantly improved after surgery at the aortic and primary iliac artery. The hypothesis for protocols 3 and 4 relates on the hypothesis that a significant number of patients benefiting aorto-bi-femoral bypass suffer isolated proximal pain/ischemia after surgery. Amendement to the project has been recently validated to study the neurologic and bone complication of chronic vascular ischemia

Inclusion criteria

  • Intermittent claudication,Peripheral Vascular Diseases
