Chronic Pain and Social Vulnerability: Prevalence and Predictive Factors of the Social Vulnerability in Evaluation and Treatment of the Pain Center (CETD)

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : NCT02171936

Femme et Homme

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In the care of the chronic pain in pain's department, pain consultation or Evaluation and Treatment of the Pain Center (CETD), the patients are often in a situation of physical and psychic suffering which requires a multidisciplinary follow-up. So, 19 percent of the chronic painful patients lost their employment, are "disintegrated" because of their pain, this being able to provocate a loss of their financial autonomy. A large number of painful patients thus find themselves in situations of social vulnerability even of precariousness often denied and difficult to detect by the caring team. Precarity is define as " the lack of one or several securities, in particular the employment, allowing the people and the families to assume their professional, family or social obligations, and to enjoy their fundamental rights." To allow a earlier identification of the populations in deprivation situation, the questionnaire EPICES (Evaluation of the Precariousness and the Disparities of health for the Centers of Examination of Health (CES)) was administered to more than 7000 people. The individual score, indicator of the precariousness and the disparities of health, is calculated after answer to 11 questions and was calculated on about 200 000 French people. Among numerous indicators, it appears that the consumption of psychotropics or a negative perception of the health are socioeconomic indicators, mode of life and health which are prevailing according to the quintiles of the score EPICES. This national study, on the French CETD aims is: 1 - to study prevalence of the social vulnerability even of the precariousness thanks to adapted questionnaires of which the questionnaire EPICES, 2 - to identify predictive social-economic factors which generate and amplify this circumstance, 3 - to identify the patients for whom a situation of precariousness and social vulnerability is proved true, justifying the earlier orientation towards the social worker of the Center so allowing a "global" care of the patient during the second visit

Critère d'inclusion

  • Chronic pain
