De-Medicalizing Mifepristone Medical Abortion

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : NCT00120224

Femme Homme

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This study will investigate the possibility that medical abortion using mifepristone and misoprostol - a safe, proven therapy for terminating early first trimester pregnancy - can be administered in a manner that is simpler and less costly than that routinely employed in the United States. The researchers hypothesize that: 1. Practitioners themselves, based on history and examination but without sonography, are able to dependably and correctly determine which patients are eligible for medical abortion and which patients either are not eligible or require further evaluation to determine eligibility. 2. Practitioners themselves, based on a symptom diary and low-sensitivity pregnancy test but without sonography, are able to dependably and correctly determine when a successful medical abortion has taken place and when referral for other possible outcomes should be made. 3. A symptom diary and low-sensitivity pregnancy test are safe and effective means of separating those women who could benefit from a follow-up visit from those who do not need one.

Critère d'inclusion

  • Medical abortion
