Comparative study of the efficacy and tolerance of intravenously administered azithromycin (1.5 g) given either as a single dose or over a 3 day period in patients with community-acquired pneumonia

Mise à jour : Il y a 5 ans
Référence : EUCTR2005-000105-65

Femme et Homme

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To evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of intravenously administered azithromycin given as a 1.5 g single dose compared to 500 mg daily dose over a period of 3 days in patients suffering from community-acquired pneumonia. If azithromycin treatment administered intavenously as a 1.5 g dose can be proven therapeutically equivalent or not inferior to 500 mg administered intravenously over a period of 3 days, treatment of CAP patients can be optimised. This short regimen has the potential for enhancement of patient compliance and will lead to a reduction of costs because of minimisation of hospitalisation days. It even provides the possibility of outpatient treatment administration in patients with minor compliance.

Critère d'inclusion

  • Community Aquired Pneumonia
