Physio and Speech Therapy management of chronic cough

Update Il y a 5 ans
Reference: ISRCTN73039760

Woman and Man

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Background and study aims Cough is the most common reason that patients seek medical advice. Cough medicine and drugs preventing cough are ineffective and chronic cough can cause considerable long-term distress. However, there are strategies that may be beneficial. One recent study showed a positive effect on the perception of cough after treatment delivered by speech language therapists. Treatment that combines speech and language techniques (such as helping patients suppress cough and relaxing the mouth/neck area) with physiotherapy techniques (such as optimising breathing patterns, teaching about cough triggers and helping patients clear any airway secretions) may maximise the benefits. This study will test the effectiveness of a Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy Intervention (PSALTI) for chronic cough. Who can participate? Anyone with a persistent, troubling cough in which all other causes have been excluded. What does the study involve? Prior to taking part in the study our hospital consultant at King’s College Hospital will perform a number of routine tests to rule out other causes of your cough. The tests will include a chest x-ray, spirometry testing (lung function testing by blowing into a machine), and laryngeal scoping (a small tube down the nose to look at the back of the throat). If all these are tests are normal you will be suitable for the study. You will then be randomly allocated to receive either PSALTI treatment or health education delivered by a health professional. This will allow us to test the effects of the treatment over that of general health advice. Both groups will attend four forty minute long sessions, once weekly at King’s College Hospital. You would also need to attend for a one hour long assessment before and after the 4-week treatment period. We will be measuring three things throughout this study. We will measure quality of life using simple questionnaires and the intensity and frequency of your cough. We will monitor the frequency of your cough using a small device that you wear on your arm for 24 hours that will record the number of coughs. We will measure the intensity of your cough by performing a capsaicin cough sensitivity challenge. During this test, we will use a nebuliser device containing an extract of chilli called capsaicin of varying strengths to induce you to cough. The capsaicin can cause a tickly burning sensation in the throat, but this usually only lasts a few minutes. The test will take about 40 minutes. We will provide you with expenses for your travel/parking to and from the hospital. At the end of the study, we will send a letter to all participants with the results of the study. What are the possible benefits and risks of participating? Your cough may reduce in severity, and you will have a greater understanding about cough and its relevance to you. This study may lead benefit others if the treatment proves to be successful. We would not perceive there to be any disadvantages to taking part in the study. Capsaicin may cause a burning or tingling feeling in the throat. This is meant to induce a cough, and will wear off after one to two minutes. There are no known long-term lasting ill effects from this test and it is a very common procedure. Where is the study run from? The study will take place at King’s College Hospital (UK). When is the study starting and how long is it expected to run for? We hope to begin recruiting patients to the study in October 2011. The study will take place over 24 months. Who is funding the study? The research is funded by the Physiotherapy Research Foundation UK and organised by Dr Garrod and Dr Birring of King’s College NHS Foundation Trust. Who is the main contact? 1. Dr Rachel Garrod [email protected] 2. Dr Surinder Birring [email protected]

Inclusion criteria

  • Respiratory Diseases
