SurgiCal Obesity Treatment Study

Update Il y a 5 ans
Reference: ISRCTN47072588

Woman and Man

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Background and study aims Bariatric surgery is a type of surgery performed on people who are obese with the purpose of making them lose weight - this includes gastric bypass and gastric banding. It is an increasingly common operation yet the long term benefits and complications are not well known. This study will collect data on every patient in Scotland having weight loss surgery, to monitor their weight, nutrient levels in their blood, whether diabetes gets better or if they develop diabetes in the future, any complications such as wound infections or requiring a second operation, heart attacks, cancer or if they die, and if quality of life improves and they feel more or less anxious or depressed after the surgery. We will follow the patients for 10 years after their surgery. Who can participate? Participants will be people undergoing bariatric surgery in Scotland - either in the NHS or private hospitals. What does the study involve? The study will follow patients during their normal care before and after surgery. No additional tests will be performed. Results of blood tests and details of any future hospital admissions will be gathered using the data stored in Scottish NHS computer systems. For participants with diabetes, data on their diabetes control, medications and complications will be gathered again from NHS computer systems. Participants will be contacted by post before the operation and annually after the operation to complete a questionnaire on quality of life and also be asked if they have had any complications relate to their surgery. They will be phoned 30 days after surgery to be asked how they are recovering from the surgery. What are the possible benefits and risks of participating? There are no benefits or risks to the participants. Where is the study run from? The study is run by the University of Glasgow with all NHS and private hospitals providing bariatric surgery in Scotland being involved. When is the study starting and how long is it expected to run for? The study will start in January 2012. Participants will be recruited until January 2017 and all participants will be followed up until July 2026. Who is funding the study? The National Institute of Health Research Health Technology Appraisal Scheme. Who is the main contact? Dr Jennifer Logue [email protected]

Inclusion criteria

  • obesity
