Guanidinoacetic Acid Loading for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Update Il y a 5 ans
Reference: NCT02213679

Woman and Man

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Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating condition of unknown etiology. Recent studies have shown that CFS is associated with impaired cellular energetics and low levels of phosphocreatine. Since guanidinoacetic acid (GAA) acts as a highly bioavailable precursor of creatine it may provide an ideal dietary supplement to facilitate treatment and perhaps prevention of CFS. The overall hypothesis to be evaluated is that medium-term supplementation with GAA will improve clinical outcomes in well-defined adult CFS patients via augmented provision of creatine. Specific aims: (1) To determine the effects of GAA on CFS symptomatology using a fatigue severity inventory, soreness of locomotive apparatus scales, and a health-related quality of life survey; (2) To determine the effect of GAA on creatine metabolism using laboratory studies and magnetic resonance spectroscopy; (3) To characterize the physiological effects of GAA on work capacity via actigraphy and exercise performance tests; and (4); To determine the prevalence of subjectively reported side-effects and biochemical adverse events associated with GAA intervention.

Inclusion criteria

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
