Progressive muscle relaxation technique in the care of anxiety and pain in the cancer patient

Update Il y a 5 ans
Reference: ISRCTN81335752

Woman and Man

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Background and study aims Cancer patients often suffer from emotional distress such as anxiety or depression. The presence of these symptoms in combination with the physical symptoms of cancer, such as pain and nausea (feeling sick), can have a negative effect on overall quality of life. Progressive muscle relaxation is a technique which involves relaxing muscles through a two-step process: Tensing specific muscle groups followed by releasing the tension and noticing the feeling when relaxing the muscles. This exercise can be an effective way to lower overall tension and stress levels, and help people to relax when they are feeling anxious. The aim of this study is to find out whether this muscle relaxation technique can help reduce levels of anxiety and pain in cancer patients, leading to an improved quality of life. Who can participate? Adult cancer patients experiencing anxiety, muscle tension, sleeping difficulties, sadness, or anxiety attacks What does the study involve? Participants attend a single session where they learn the muscle relaxation technique. The session takes place in a comfortable room with a trained instructor, either individually or in groups. After the session, participants are encouraged to perform the technique at home at least once a day for the duration of the study. At the start of the study and then every week for a month, participants complete a number of questionnaires to assess their anxiety, pain and nausea levels. In addition, they are asked about their medication use at the same times. What are the possible benefits and risks of participating? There are no direct benefits or risks involved with participating in this study. Where is the study run from? Hospital Universitario Marques de Valdecilla and nine other hospitals in Spain. When is the study starting and how long is it expected to run for? February 2014 to May 2016 Who is funding the study? Investigator initiated and funded Who is the main contact? Dr Paula Parás-Bravo

Inclusion criteria

  • Anxiety, pain and nausea in cancer patients
