A Health Promotion Campaign Targeting Caregivers of Young Children

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : NCT01290848

Femme et Homme

  • | Pays :
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  • | Organes :
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  • | Spécialités :
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This project will evaluate the effectiveness of the Take TIME health promotion campaign. The Take TIME (Tobacco free, Injury free, Moving daily, Eating healthy) campaign will target parents and caregivers of children up to 8 years of age. The study will help answer the following research questions 1. Are community organizations able and willing to deliver a health-promotion campaign targeting young children? 2. What impact does the Take TIME campaign have on the readiness of the community to support healthy childhoods? 3. What impact does the Take TIME campaign have on awareness and achievement of healthier lifestyles for young children? 4. Can health promotion initiatives be "institutionalized" within the Municipality and community organizations so that the campaign will continue beyond the study period? 5. Are changes in awareness and/or behaviour related to exposure to the Take TIME campaign?

Critère d'inclusion

  • Childhood obesity
